Ant control
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We understand how annoying ant infestations can be.
Our specialized services are designed to effectively and permanently remove ants from your home or business.
Whether it’s pharaoh ants, garden ants, or other species, we offer customized solutions for an ant-free environment.

Pharaoh ant control
Pharaoh ants are a particularly persistent pest that can be difficult to control.
Waltz Pest Control offers specialized services to effectively control pharaoh ants.
Our approach ensures that these unwanted insects are eliminated quickly and thoroughly.
* The larvae are naked, legless and white in color.
* The workers are 0.3 to 0.4 cm long, brownish yellow with a slightly darker abdomen.
* The queens are 0.4 to 0.5 cm long, also brownish yellow with a dark-colored head.
* Male pharaoh ants are 0.3 to 0.4 cm long, black-brown to black in color, have pale yellow legs and are winged.
* Complete transformation.
* Queens lay a total of about 300 eggs, several queens per nest.
* No bridal flight in the Netherlands.
* The workers take care of the larvae.
* Duration from egg to adult at 30 degrees and 80% relative humidity about 2 months.
* Workers live up to 2 months, males only 2 to 3 weeks, queens about 9 months.
* Pharaoh ants are omnivores, preferably meaty.
* Prefer temperatures around about 30 degrees.
* Nests near heat sources, in hard-to-reach places behind tiles and paneling.
In kitchens, electrical outlets, meter boxes and butt joints that close poorly.
* Pharaoh ants are very annoying.
They are highly undesirable in health care kitchens and restaurants.
* Can transmit bacteria.
* Pharaoh ants can dwell on wounds; they can also crawl under plaster.
* Practice utmost hygiene.
* Store foods in tightly closed cans.
* Check incoming goods carefully, especially if they come from the tropics.

Garden ant control
Garden ants can not only cause nuisance in the garden, but also damage plants and infrastructure.
Waltz Pest Control offers effective solutions to control and prevent garden ants.
Find out how we can help you keep your garden free of these annoying insects.
* The workers of garden ants are all 0.4 to 0.5 cm long.
Only the glossy wood ant is usually a bit more substantial to about 0.5 cm.
Antennae are always kinked.
* The queens are winged, larger than the workers.
* Males are also winged, but smaller than the workers.
* The colors are about as the Dutch names indicate, the glossy wood ant, for example, is glossy black.
* Complete transformation.
* A garden ant colony is dormant in winter unless the nest is near a heat source.
* Egg deposition occurs in spring and summer.
* The workers sometimes live 22 to 32 years!
* Queens and males undertake a "nuptial flight" in large numbers at the same time in summer, the queens then set up new nests.
* The males die after the nuptial flight.
* From the eggs come workers again.
* Garden ants feed on other insects and sweets.
For example, they collect honeydew, an excretion product of aphids.
* The shiny wood ant often has nests in rotting wood underground.
* Nests mostly outdoors, whose workers sometimes end up in homes.
* Store products attractive to ants out of reach.
* Seal seams and cracks.
* Open butt joints fitted with fine mesh insect netting.

Red Wood Ant
Red wood ants are important to the ecosystem, but can cause a nuisance when they come near homes or gardens.
At Waltz Pest Control, we offer methods to responsibly manage these ants.
Learn more about their characteristics and how we can help you prevent a nuisance.
* Red to reddish-brown head and thorax.
* Black-brown abdomen.
* The length of the workers is 4 to 9 mm.
* Large colonies consisting of multiple nests and queens.
* As it gets warmer, more activity will take place.
* Occurs in coniferous and deciduous forests.
* Make dome-shaped nests.
* Eat mainly insects.
* Not harmful but very annoying if the nest is located near a home.
* Locate and move the nest or nests preferably deep in the forest.

Red Stinging Ant
The red stinging ant can be annoying and even painful due to their bites.
Waltz Pest Control offers expert solutions to control and prevent these aggressive ants.
Find out how we can help you keep your environment safe and ant-free.
* Reddish, yellow ant.
* Dark head and abdomen on top.
* Length 3 to 5 mm long.
* Lives in nests often underground.
* Flies out in the summer months.
* Occurs mainly in moist fields and forests.
* Rarely occurs in buildings.
* Can bite viciously.
* May cause nuisance during fledging.
* Human and animal can be bitten.