Bed bug control
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Bedbugs can be a source of nuisance in the home due to their presence and odor when disturbed.
Effective control requires specific knowledge and methods to control them.
Find out here how to recognize, prevent and effectively control bedbugs to keep your home bedbug-free.

Bed Bugs
Fighting bedbugs yourself is not a good idea.
Because of their hard shell, the adult insects are protected from pesticides.
When you kill them, they excrete an unpleasant odor that you will continue to smell for a long time.
Thanks to our experience, we always provide professional and effective control of bedbugs in your home.
* Color is reddish brown, after blood meal dark red.
* The body has an oval shape and the top is flat.
* The female is about 5 to 10 mm in size; the male is slightly smaller.
* The female lays elongated eggs, usually along walls.
* The duration from egg to adult takes about 2 months.
* The female lays about 180 eggs in her lifetime.
* At higher temperatures, this number is much higher.
* The average maximum age of an adult animal is 14 months.
* At the right temperature (22 degrees), the bed bug can go as long as 30 weeks without food.
* Often lives in sleeping quarters in seams and crevices close to the head end of the bed.
* Returns about every week for a blood meal vij the host.
* Sucks itself completely full of blood in a short time and then returns to its hiding place.
* Can carry germs and thus spread them.
* Causes skin irritation in host, often outside and swollen areas.
* Have rooms metaan treated do not move furniture or the like this causes spreading.