Cockroach control
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Cockroaches are a persistent problem in households and businesses.
These unwelcome guests are not only a hygiene risk, but can quickly grow into an infestation.
Effective control is essential to prevent their spread and ensure health.

German cockroaches
At Waltz Pest Control, we specialize in controlling German cockroaches, one of the most common species in households.
German cockroaches are light brown with two black longitudinal stripes on their breastplate and can fly at very high temperatures.
Their rapid reproduction and harmful impact on hygiene make effective control essential.
Find out how our professional approach can help you eliminate this pest quickly and efficiently.
* Adult light brown.
2 black longitudinal stripes on breastplate.
1 to 1.5 cm long excluding antennae.
Flies only at very high temperature.
* Nymph darker in color, no wings, molt during growth 4 to 8 times.
* Egg package 0.8 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm in size, contains an average of 30 eggs.
* Incomplete done exchange.
* Egg stage 2 to 5 weeks, an average of 7 egg packets per female.
* Larval stage lasts 6 weeks, at low temperature up to about half a year.
* Duration from egg to adult about 12 months at 30 degrees.
* Maximum age of adult animal ca 6 months, in laboratories up to ca 1 year.
* The German cockroach is light-shy and an omnivore ( moist and fresh foods ).
* They can go 10 to as many as 40 days without food.
* Lives in dark, warm, somewhat humid places, optimum temperature is 30 degrees.
* Preferred temperature 25 degrees to 32 degrees.
* Contaminate food, carry taint ( salmonellosis ).
* Are carriers of bacteria and mites.
* Diffuse an unpleasant odor by excretion through the dorsal gland.
* Sealing seams and cracks after treatment,
* Keep waste dumps covered with 30 cm thick layer of sand or compacted with dumped waste.
* Carefully observe hygiene.
Oriental cockroaches
Oriental cockroaches can pose a serious threat to home hygiene.
Waltz Pest Control offers expert solutions for controlling these dark, wingless insects.
Learn more about their appearance, development and lifestyle, and how our preventative measures and control methods can help you keep your home free of these unwanted guests.
* The adult oriental cockroach is blue-black, 2.1 to 2.8 cm long excluding the antennae.
* Females have small wings, males have larger wings.
They cannot fly.
* Nymph unwinged, very dark colored, resembles adult.
* Egg package approx 1 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm in size, contains an average of 16 eggs.
* Incomplete done exchange.
* Duration of egg stage at 20 degrees about 80 days, average of 8 egg packets per female.
* Larval stage at 25 degrees lasts more than half a year.
* Maximum age of adult animal at 20 degrees about 8 months.
* Light shy, omnivorous but preferably sweet and starchy.
* Oriental cockroaches can live for 2 to 4 weeks without food.
* 15 hours at -4 degrees is usually fatal, optimum temperature about 25 degrees.
* Found mainly in damp, dark places in kitchens, crawl spaces, basements, mainly near water pipes.
* Soiling of food, carrier of bateries and mites, among others.
* Dissipating blemishes.
* Diffusion of an unpleasant odor by excretion through the dorsal gland.
* Carefully practice hygiene, sealing seams and cracks.
* Strategic siting and/or layout of kitchens, especially important in care facilities and catering establishments.
* Store foods in cool warehouses.
* Remediate reproductive sources.
American cockroaches
American cockroaches are larger and more robust than other species, making them a challenging pest.
At Waltz Pest Control, we have the expertise to effectively control these insects.
Learn more about their characteristics, rapid reproduction and the damage they can cause, and learn how our services can help you keep your home or business free of American cockroaches.
* Adult is shiny reddish-brown, with pale yellow spots on wings and carapace.
* Length ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 cm ( not including antennae).
* The wings in males extend near the abdomen and in females they cover the entire abdomen.
* The egg pack has a black-brown color and contains about 15 eggs.
* The larva is a lighter color than the adult but does not yet have wings.
* Adult females produce an average of 18 to 62 egg packages during their lifetime.
* Duration of the egg stage is around 8 weeks.
* The duration from egg to adult takes about 1 year.
* The lifespan of an adult animal is 1.5 to 2 years.
* Occurs in dark, damp and warm places.
* Is light-shy and eats almost all types of foods and even engages in cannibalism.
* Can go over 5 weeks without food.
* Contaminating food and spreading blemishes.
* Carriers of mites and bacteria.
* Keep foods refrigerated.
* Sealing seams and cracks.
* Work hygienically and stop offering food.