Mosquito control
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- Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes can be a significant nuisance and pose health risks by spreading disease.
Effective control begins with knowledge of the different types of mosquitoes and their behavior.
Find out how to identify and control mosquitoes and long-legged mosquitoes to keep your home and environment mosquito-free here.

Mosquito control
By equipping windows and doors with a tightly fitting mosquito net and a mosquito net around the bed, mosquitoes coming from outside can be kept away.
By airing rooms during the day by opening windows, mosquitoes will leave, as they do not like drafts.
Electric fly killers can also be an option.
If it doesn’t work?
Then we can help you fight them off!
Don’t wait and contact Wals pest control.
* Slender, at least 0.8 cm long, relatively long legs, hind edge and veins of wings hairy.
* Hind body of the mosquito is ringed, antennae of the male often spring-shaped.
* Complete shapeshifting.
* Females lay 150 or more eggs, adult lives 1 to 2 months.
* Duration from egg to adult, 1-2 weeks, eggs may hatch after only 2 days.
* The larval stage lasts from a few days to several weeks.
* Mosquitoes fly mainly at night, becoming active by dusk.
* Found primarily in wetlands with standing water.
* Especially in the (after) summer, mosquitoes are observed.
* The females of Culex species overwinter in hidden shelters such as basements.
* The females can also sting humans ( especially at night), which can cause skin irritation.
* Stagnant water indoors (especially in winter).
- Identify where stagnant water is in the house: crawl space, leaking heat meter, heating pipe, sink drain, water pipe, overflow pit, also water containers above which orchids grow, for example.
- Development source remediation.
* Stagnant water outdoors
- Identify where stagnant water is located: buckets, window boxes, rain barrels, ponds, gutters and flat roofs.
- Development source remediation.
- Cover rain barrels with tight-fitting lids, restore rainwater runoff from gutters or a flat roof.
- The release of fish ( goldfish ) into the pond also limits the development of mosquito larvae.
* Keep at a distance.
- Rub uncovered areas of skin with mosquito repellent containing diethyl-m-toluamide.
- Apply screen mesh.

Long-legged mosquito control
Protect yourself from long-legged mosquitoes with sealing screens for windows and doors, and mosquito nets around your sleeping area.
Improve daytime air circulation for natural defense.
If these precautions are not enough, our specialists are ready to assist.
Don’t hesitate to contact Wals Pest Control for effective control methods.
* Very long legs.
* Wing span is about 2 cm.
* Develop only in relative high humidity.
* Both the larva and the adult mosquito overwinter.
* The larvae live in lawns and often in clogged gutters.
* The large larvae feed on the roots of plants.
* Long-legged mosquitoes do not sting people.
* In pastures, crane flies can cause extensive damage to grasses and clover.
* Stop moss growth.
* Prevent blockages in the gutter.
* Mow the lawn regularly.